Saturday, March 31, 2012

Rule to follow

For Those Who Are Married As Well As For Those Who Will Get Married

Sharing a few thoughts for Would be Grooms

Rule No. 01 -

Never compare your mama's cooking with your wife's. There is no faster way to dig your own grave than that.
Please understand that your mom's cooking has the backing of 20 odd years of experience... don't expect that from your wife whose hardly into the process. What if she were to compare your earning capacity with her dad's.. So shshshhhhh..!

Rule No. 02 -

Never go out of your way to please the lady with flowers, chocolates and gifts during your engagement period. If ever you do , please follow it up post-wedding too.
When you could cover 20kms in 15 minutes when you are engaged just to spend some time with her, how dare you forget her birthday post - marriage, even after you are given the broadest of hints by her. Remember expectations always double... ever heard of them being halved?

Rule No. 03 -

Do compliment her every now and then, verbally or with gifts! What are those lovely Teddies and Archies gift cards for?
Don't sit there like the Lord Of The Rings expecting to be waited upon! Of course she will do it but everyone likes to be appreciated and pampered.

Rule No. 04 -

This is very important. Sulking or complaining about marriage being a big mistake is a strict NO -NO. You got into it with your eyes wide open, brimming with enthusiasm. No one ever pushed you into it. So why this drama now.

Rule No. 05 -

Be Brave and take your own decisions and stand up by them.
Consult your parents for advice but realise that you are grown up enough to lead your life.
Respect your partner's views at all times! Remember she has given up a lot more to make a life with you!! 

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