Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Smart answer by a female

On a flight, a guy asked a beautiful lady sitting next to him:

''Nice perfume.....which one is it? I want to gift it to my wife..!!''

''Don't give her, some idiot will find an excuse to talk to her!!''

*A letter from a teacher to a parent:*

Dear Parent,
Kumar doesn't smell nice in class. Please try to bath him.

Parent's answer:
Dear Teacher,
Kumar is not a rose, don't smell him,Teach him.

*A cute excuse*.
*Teacher*: Why are you late?
*Student*: Mom & dad were fighting.
*Teacher*: So what makes U late if they were fighting?
*Student*: One shoe was in mom's hand and one in dad's.


*Wife* : I hate that beggar.
*Husband*: Why??
*Wife* : Rascal, yesterday
I gave him food today he gave me a book on
"How to Cook" !!!  😄😃😜😝

Husband came home drunk. To avoid wife's scolding, he took a laptop & started working.

*Wife*: Did U drink??
*Husband* : No!

*Wife*:  Idiot, then why R U typing on briefcase??

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